Application-Level Events

Previous versions of Microsoft Outlook provided event notifications only for individual items. Outlook 2000 has added a wide range of events that your program can use to detect changes in Outlook windows or the message store. This gives your program greater control over Outlook and makes it easier to automate Outlook from an external application or through an add-in program.

Your program can detect when new mail has been delivered or when an item has been added to, removed from, or changed in a folder; when an item has been sent; when a reminder has fired; when an explorer or inspector window has been displayed, activated, or deactivated; when the user has switched views or folders within an explorer; when the Outlook Bar has been modified; and so on. In some cases, your program can cancel the event, preventing Outlook from performing the default action for the event.

The following new events have been added to Outlook.

Event Description
Activate Notifies your program that an explorer or inspector window has become the active window.
BeforeFolderSwitch Notifies your program that the user has attempted to change the folder displayed by an explorer. Your program can cancel the event to prevent the change.
BeforeGroupAdd Notifies your program that the user has attempted to add a group to the Outlook Bar. Your program can cancel the event to prevent the change.
BeforeGroupRemove Notifies your program that the user has attempted to remove a group from the Outlook Bar. Your program can cancel the event to prevent the change.
BeforeGroupSwitch Notifies your program that the user has attempted to change the group displayed in the Outlook Bar. Your program can cancel the event to prevent the change.
BeforeShortcutAdd Notifies your program that the user has attempted to add a shortcut to the Outlook Bar. Your program can cancel the event to prevent the change.
BeforeShortcutRemove Notifies your program that the user has attempted to remove a shortcut from the Outlook Bar. Your program can cancel the event to prevent the change.
BeforeViewSwitch Notifies your program that the user has attempted to change the view used to display the contents of a folder in an explorer window. Your program can cancel the event to prevent the change.
Deactivate Notifies your program that an explorer or inspector window is no longer the active window.
FolderAdd Notifies your program that a folder has been added to a specific folders collection.
FolderChange Notifies your program that a folder in a specific folders collection has been changed.
FolderRemove Notifies your program that a folder has been deleted from a specific folders collection.
FolderSwitch Notifies your program that the user has changed the folder displayed by an explorer window.
GroupAdd Notifies your program that a group has been added to the Outlook Bar.
ItemAdd Notifies your program that an item has been added to a specific items collection.
ItemChange Notifies your program that an item in a specific items collection has been changed.
ItemRemove Notifies your program that an item has been deleted from a specific items collection.
ItemSend Notifies your program that the user has attempted to send an item. Your program can cancel the event to prevent the item from being sent.
NewExplorer Notifies your program that a new explorer window has been created.
NewInspector Notifies your program that a new inspector window has been created.
NewMail Notifies your program that new items have been delivered to the Inbox.
OnError Notifies your program that an error occurred during folder synchronization.
OptionsPagesAdd Notifies your program that new options pages have been added to a property or options dialog box.
Progress Notifies your program of the status of folder synchronization.
Reminder Notifies your program that a reminder is about to be displayed.
SelectionChange Notifies your program that the selection of items in an explorer window has changed.
ShortcutAdd Notifies your program that a shortcut has been added to the Outlook Bar.
SyncStart Notifies your program that Outlook has begun synchronizing the user’s folders.
SyncEnd Notifies your program that Outlook has finished synchronizing the user’s folders
ViewSwitch Notifies your program that the view used to display the contents of a folder in an explorer window has changed.