AddOfficeServerSubscription Method

         Example         Applies To

Creates a document subscription for the specified file or folder.


expression.AddOfficeServerSubscription(FileURL, FolderURL, NotifyWhen, MailTo, MailFrequency, FilterOnAuthor, MatchAuthorExactly)

expression   Required Variant. An expression that returns an instance of the Microsoft Office Server Extensions (OSE) library.

FileURL   Optional String. The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the specified file. Although FileURL is an optional argument, you must specify either FileURL or FolderURL.

FolderURL   Optional String. The URL for the specified folder. Although FolderURL is an optional argument, you must specify either FolderURL or FileURL.

NotifyWhen   Optional Integer. Can be one of the following OSENotifyWhen constants: oseNotifyWhenAnythingChanges, oseNotifyWhenDiscussionAnything, oseNotifyWhenDiscussionDeleted, oseNotifyWhenDiscussionInserted, oseNotifyWhenPageAnything, oseNotifyWhenPageCreated, oseNotifyWhenPageDeleted, oseNotifyWhenPageModified, or oseNotifyWhenPageMoved. The default constant is oseNotifyWhenDiscussionAnything. Subscriptions that monitor all changes (oseNotifyWhenAnythingChanges) and subscriptions that monitor page-related events (oseNotifyWhenPageAnything, oseNotifyWhenPageCreated, oseNotifyWhenPageDeleted, and oseNotifyWhenPageModified) are supported for files on file servers that have only the OSE installed.

MailTo   Optional String. The e-mail address you want e-mail sent to when the NotifyWhen argument is satisfied.

MailFrequency   Optional Integer. Can be one of the following OSEMailFrequency constants: oseMailDaily, oseMailImmediately, or oseMailWeekly. The default constant is oseMailImmediately.

FilterOnAuthor   Optional String. Filters out all messages that don’t contain the modifications made by the author specified with this argument.

MatchAuthorExactly   Optional Boolean. True to indicate that the string specified by this argument must match the author name exactly.

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