New Objects

See Also

Objects that were added to Visual Basic in Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 are listed in the following table.

Object Description
Cell An individual cell within a Table object.
CellRange A collection of Cell objects within a table, designated programmatically as .Cells.
Column A vertical grouping of cells within a Table object.
Columns A collection of Column objects within a table.
DefaultWebOptions A group of application-level attributes used as the default settings for publishing or saving a presentation as a Web page.
Pane A divided area of the document window. In normal view, there are three panes (outline, slide, and notes). In all other document window views, there is only one pane.
Panes The collection of Pane objects in the document window.
PublishObject A group of attributes that define the complete or partial presentation for publishing as a Web page.
PublishObjects A collection of one PublishObject object.
Row A horizontal grouping of cells within a Table object.
Rows A collection of Row objects within a table.
Table A type of shape represented by a grid of columns and rows.
WebOptions A group of presentation-level attributes that override the application-level DefaultWebOptions attributes for publishing or saving a presentation as a Web page.