Creates a new slide and adds it to the collection of slides in the specified presentation. Returns a Slide object that represents the new slide.
expression.Add(Index, Layout)
expression Required. An expression that returns a Slides collection.
Index Required Long. Specifies the index number the new slide will have within the Slides collection. This value cannot exceed the number of existing slides + 1.
Layout Required Long. Can be one of the following PpSlideLayout constants:
ppLayoutChart ppLayoutChartAndText ppLayoutClipartAndText ppLayoutClipArtAndVerticalText ppLayoutFourObjects ppLayoutLargeObject ppLayoutMediaClipAndText ppLayoutObject ppLayoutObjectAndText ppLayoutObjectOverText ppLayoutOrgchart ppLayoutTable ppLayoutText |
ppLayoutTextAndClipart ppLayoutTextAndMediaClip ppLayoutTextAndObject ppLayoutTextAndTwoObjects ppLayoutTextOverObject ppLayoutTitle ppLayoutTitleOnly ppLayoutTwoColumnText ppLayoutTwoObjectsAndText ppLayoutTwoObjectsOverText ppLayoutVerticalText ppLayoutVerticalTitleAndText ppLayoutVerticalTitleAndTextOverChart |
To alter the layout of an existing slide, use the Layout property.