Inserts the date and time in the specified text range. Returns a TextRange object that represents the inserted text.
expression.InsertDateTime(DateTimeFormat, InsertAsField)
expression Required. An expression that returns a TextRange object.
DateTimeFormat Required Long. A format for the date and time. Can be one of the following PpDateTimeFormat constants:
ppDateTimedMMMMyyyy ppDateTimedMMMyy ppDateTimeHmm ppDateTimehmmAMPM ppDateTimeHmmss ppDateTimehmmssAMPM |
ppDateTimeMMddyyHmm ppDateTimeMMddyyhmmAMPM ppDateTimeMMMMdyyyy ppDateTimeMMMMyy ppDateTimeMMyy |
InsertAsField Optional Long. True to have the inserted date and time be updated each time the presentation is opened. The default value is False.