This example sets the fill pattern for shapes one and three on myDocument
Set myDocument = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
myDocument.Shapes.Range(Array(1, 3)).Fill _
.Patterned msoPatternHorizontalBrick
This example sets the fill pattern for the shapes named "Oval 4" and "Rectangle 5" on the first slide.
Dim x() As Variant, myRange As Object
x = Array("Oval 4", "Rectangle 5")
Set myRange = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes.Range(x)
myRange.Fill.Patterned msoPatternHorizontalBrick
This example sets the fill pattern for all shapes on the first slide.
Set myDocument = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
myDocument.Shapes.Range.Fill.Patterned msoPatternHorizontalBrick
This example sets the fill pattern for shape one on the first slide.
Set myDocument = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
Set myRange = myDocument.Shapes.Range(1)
myRange.Fill.Patterned msoPatternHorizontalBrick
This example creates an array that contains all the AutoShapes on the first slide, uses that array to define a shape range, and then distributes all the shapes in that range horizontally.
Set myDocument = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
With myDocument.Shapes
numShapes = .Count
If numShapes > 1 Then
numAutoShapes = 0
ReDim autoShpArray(1 To numShapes)
For i = 1 To numShapes
If .Item(i).Type = msoAutoShape Then
numAutoShapes = numAutoShapes + 1
autoShpArray(numAutoShapes) = .Item(i).Name
End If
If numAutoShapes > 1 Then
ReDim Preserve autoShpArray(1 To numAutoShapes)
Set asRange = .Range(autoShpArray)
asRange.Distribute msoDistributeHorizontally, False
End If
End If
End With
This example sets the title color for slides one and three.
Set mySlides = ActivePresentation.Slides.Range(Array(1, 3))
mySlides.ColorScheme.Colors(ppTitle).RGB = RGB(0, 255, 0)
This example sets the title color for the slides named "Slide6" and "Slide8".
Set mySlides = ActivePresentation.Slides _
.Range(Array("Slide6", "Slide8"))
mySlides.ColorScheme.Colors(ppTitle).RGB = RGB(0, 255, 0)
This example sets the title color for all the slides in the active presentation.
Set mySlides = ActivePresentation.Slides.Range
mySlides.ColorScheme.Colors(ppTitle).RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
This example creates an array that contains all the title slides in the active presentation, uses that array to define a slide range, and then sets the title color for all slides in that range.
Dim MyTitleArray() As Long
Set pSlides = ActivePresentation.Slides
ReDim MyTitleArray(1 To pSlides.Count)
For Each pSlide In pSlides
If pSlide.Layout = ppLayoutTitle Then
nCounter = nCounter + 1
MyTitleArray(nCounter) = pSlide.SlideIndex
End If
Next pSlide
ReDim Preserve MyTitleArray(1 To nCounter)
Set rngTitleSlides = ActivePresentation.Slides.Range(MyTitleArray)
rngTitleSlides.ColorScheme.Colors(ppTitle).RGB = RGB(255, 123, 99)