A collection of Column objects that represent the columns in a table.
Using the Columns Collection
Use the Columns property to return the Columns collection. This example finds the first table in the active presentation, counts the number of Column objects in the Columns collection, and displays information to the user.
Dim ColCount, sl, sh As Integer
With ActivePresentation
For sl = 1 To .Slides.Count
For sh = 1 To .Slides(sl).Shapes.Count
If .Slides(sl).Shapes(sh).HasTable Then
ColCount = .Slides(sl).Shapes(sh) _
MsgBox "Shape " & sh & " on slide " & sl & _
" contains the first table and has " & _
ColCount & " columns."
Exit Sub
End If
End With
Use the Add method to add a column to a table. This example creates a column in an existing table and sets the width of the new column to 72 points (one inch).
With ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Shapes(5).Table
.Columns.Add.Width = 72
End With
Use Columns(index) to return a single Column object. Index represents the position of the column in the Columns collection (usually counting from left to right; although the TableDirection property can reverse this). This example selects the first column of the table in shape five on the second slide.