HeadersFooters Object

         Properties         Methods

Slides collection (Slide object)
HeaderFooters object
HeaderFooter object

Contains all the HeaderFooter objects on the specified slide, notes page, handout, or master. Each HeaderFooter object represents a header, footer, date and time, or slide number.

Note   HeaderFooter objects aren't available for Slide objects that represent notes pages. The HeaderFooter object that represents a header is available only for a notes master or handout master.

Using the HeaderFooters Object

Use the HeadersFooters property to return the HeadersFooters object. Use the DateAndTime, Footer, Header, or SlideNumber property to return an individual HeaderFooter object. The following example sets the footer text for slide one in the active presentation.

ActivePresentation.Slides(1).HeadersFooters.Footer _
    .Text = "Volcano Coffee"

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