NamedSlideShows Collection Object

         Properties         Methods

SlideShowSettings object
NamedSlideShows collection (NamedSlideShow object)

A collection of all the NamedSlideShow objects in the presentation. Each NamedSlideShow object represents a custom slide show.

Using the NamedSlideShows Collection

Use the NamedSlideShows property to return the NamedSlideShows collection. Use NamedSlideShows(index), where index is the custom slide show name or index number, to return a single NamedSlideShow object. The following example deletes the custom slide show named "Quick Show."

ActivePresentation.SlideShowSettings _
    .NamedSlideShows("Quick Show").Delete

Use the Add method to create a new slide show and add it to the NamedSlideShows collection. The following example adds to the active presentation the named slide show "Quick Show" that contains slides 2, 7, and 9. The example then runs this custom slide show.

Dim qSlides(1 To 3) As Long
With ActivePresentation
    With .Slides
        qSlides(1) = .Item(2).SlideID
        qSlides(2) = .Item(7).SlideID
        qSlides(3) = .Item(9).SlideID
    End With
    With .SlideShowSettings
        .NamedSlideShows.Add "Quick Show", qSlides
        .RangeType = ppShowNamedSlideShow
        .SlideShowName = "Quick Show"
    End With
End With