PrintRanges Collection Object

         Properties         Methods

PrintOptions object
PrintRanges collection (PrintRange object)

A collection of all the PrintRange objects in the specified presentation. Each PrintRange object represents a range of consecutive slides or pages to be printed.

Using the PrintRanges Collection

Use the Ranges property to return the PrintRanges collection. The following example clears all previously defined print ranges from the collection for the active presentation.


Use the Add method to create a PrintRange object and add it to the PrintRanges collection. The following example defines three print ranges that represent slide 1, slides 3 through 5, and slides 8 and 9 in the active presentation and then prints the slides in these ranges.

With ActivePresentation.PrintOptions
    .RangeType = ppPrintSlideRange
    With .Ranges
        .Add 1, 1
        .Add 3, 5
        .Add 8, 9
    End With
End With

Use Ranges(index), where index is the print range index number, to return a single PrintRange object. The following example displays a message that indicates the starting and ending slide numbers for print range one in the active presentation.

With ActivePresentation.PrintOptions.Ranges
    If .Count > 0 Then
        With .Item(1)
            MsgBox "Print range 1 starts on slide " & .Start & _
                " and ends on slide " & .End
        End With
    End If
End With