AfterEffect Property

         Example         Applies To

Returns or sets a value that indicates whether the specified shape appears dimmed, hidden, or unchanged after it's been built. Can be one of the following PpAfterEffect constants: ppAfterEffectDim, ppAfterEffectHide, ppAfterEffectHideOnClick, ppAfterEffectMixed, or ppAfterEffectNothing (the default value). Read/write Long.


You won't see the after effect you set for a shape unless the shape gets animated and at least one other shape on the slide gets animated after it. For a shape to be animated, the TextLevelEffect property of the AnimationSettings object for the shape must be set to something other than ppAnimateLevelNone, or the EntryEffect property must be set to a constant other than ppEffectNone. In addition, the Animate property must be set to True. To change the build order of the shapes on a slide, use the AnimationOrder property.