Type Property

         Example         Applies To

Returns and (for some objects) sets the type of object. The following table lists all the objects the Type property applies to and all the possible values for the Type property of each of those objects.

Object Type property details
BulletFormat Can be one of the following PpBulletType constants: ppBulletMixed, ppBulletNone, ppBulletNumbered, ppBulletPicture, or ppBulletUnnumbered. Read/write Long.
CalloutFormat Can be one of the following MsoCalloutType constants: msoCalloutFour, msoCalloutMixed, msoCalloutOne, msoCalloutThree, or msoCalloutTwo. Read/write Long.
ColorFormat Can be one of the following MsoColorType constants: msoColorTypeMixed, msoColorTypeRGB, or msoColorTypeScheme. Read-only Long.
ConnectorFormat Can be one of the following MsoConnectorType constants: msoConnectorCurve, msoConnectorElbow, msoConnectorStraight, or msoConnectorTypeMixed. Read/write Long.
FillFormat Can be one of the following MsoFillType constants: msoFillBackground, msoFillGradient, msoFillMixed, msoFillPatterned, msoFillPicture, msoFillSolid, or msoFillTextured. Read-only Long.
Hyperlink Can be one of the following MsoHyperlinkType constants: msoHyperlinkInlineShape (for use in Microsoft Word only), msoHyperlinkRange, or msoHyperlinkShape. Read-only Long.
PlaceholderFormat Can be one of the following PpPlaceholderType constants: ppPlaceholderBitmap, ppPlaceholderBody, ppPlaceholderCenterTitle, ppPlaceholderChart, ppPlaceholderDate, ppPlaceholderFooter, ppPlaceholderHeader, ppPlaceholderMediaClip, ppPlaceholderMixed, ppPlaceholderObject, ppPlaceholderOrgChart, ppPlaceholderSlideNumber, ppPlaceholderSubtitle, ppPlaceholderTable, ppPlaceholderTitle, ppPlaceholderVerticalBody, or ppPlaceholderVerticalTitle
Selection Can be one of the following PpSelectionType constants: ppSelectionNone, ppSelectionShapes, ppSelectionSlides, or ppSelectionText. Read-only Long.
ShadowFormat Can be one of the following MsoShadowType constants: msoShadow1, msoShadow10, msoShadow11, msoShadow12, msoShadow13, msoShadow14, msoShadow15, msoShadow16, msoShadow17, msoShadow18, msoShadow19, msoShadow2, msoShadow20, msoShadow3, msoShadow4, msoShadow5, msoShadow6, msoShadow7, msoShadow8, msoShadow9, or msoShadowMixed. Read/write Long.
Shape or ShapeRange Can be one of the following MsoShapeType constants: msoAutoShape, msoCallout, msoChart, msoComment, msoEmbeddedOLEObject, msoFormControl, msoFreeform, msoGroup, msoLine, msoLinkedOLEObject, msoLinkedPicture, msoMedia, msoOLEControlObject, msoPicture, msoPlaceholder, msoScriptAnchor, msoShapeTypeMixed, msoTable, msoTextBox, or msoTextEffect. Read-only Long.
SoundEffect Can be one of the following PpSoundEffectType constants: ppSoundEffectsMixed, ppSoundFile, ppSoundNone, or ppSoundStopPrevious. Read/write Long.
TabStop Can be one of the following PpTabStopType constants: ppTabStopCenter, ppTabStopDecimal, ppTabStopLeft, ppTabStopMixed, or ppTabStopRight. Read/write Long.
View Can be one of the following PpViewType constants: ppViewHandoutMaster, ppViewNormal ppViewNotesMaster, ppViewNotesPage, ppViewOutline, ppViewSlide, ppViewSlideMaster, ppViewSlideSorter, or ppViewTitleMaster. Read-only Long.