Properties that have been added to existing objects in Microsoft Word 2000 are listed in the following table (sorted alphabetically).
New Property |
Object(s) |
ActiveTheme |
Document |
ActiveThemeDisplayName |
Document |
AddBiDirectionalMarksWhenSavingTextFile |
Options |
AddControlCharacters |
Options |
AddHebDoubleQuote |
Options |
AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndAlpha |
Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
AddSpaceBetweenFarEastAndDigit |
Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
AllowAutoFit |
Table |
AllowClickAndTypeMouse |
Options |
AllowCombinedAuxiliaryForms |
Options |
AllowCompoundNounProcessing |
Options |
AllowOverlap |
Rows, WrapFormat |
AllowPageBreaks |
Table |
AllowPixelUnits |
Options |
AllowPNG |
DefaultWebOptions, WebOptions |
AlternativeText |
InlineShape, Shape, ShapeRange |
AlwaysSaveInDefaultEncoding |
DefaultWebOptions |
AnswerWizard |
Application, Global |
ApplyFarEastFontsToAscii |
Options |
ArabicMode |
Options |
ArabicNumeral |
Options |
AutoAdjustRightIndent |
Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
AutoFormatApplyFirstIndents |
Options |
AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyClosings |
Options |
AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyDates |
Options |
AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyFirstIndents |
Options |
AutoFormatAsYouTypeAutoLetterWizard |
Options |
AutoFormatAsYouTypeDeleteAutoSpaces |
Options |
AutoFormatAsYouTypeInsertClosings |
Options |
AutoFormatAsYouTypeInsertOvers |
Options |
AutoFormatAsYouTypeMatchParentheses |
Options |
AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceFarEastDashes |
Options |
AutoFormatDeleteAutoSpaces |
Options |
AutoFormatMatchParentheses |
Options |
AutoFormatReplaceFarEastDashes |
Options |
AutoKeyboardSwitching |
Options |
BackgroundPatternColor |
Shading |
BaseLineAlignment |
Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
BoldBi |
Font, Range |
BottomPadding |
Cell, Table |
BrowserLevel |
DefaultWebOptions, WebOptions |
BuiltinDictionary |
HangulHanjaConversionDictionaries |
CharacterUnitFirstLineIndent |
Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
CharacterUnitLeftIndent |
Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
CharacterUnitRightIndent |
Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
CharacterWidth |
Range |
CharsLine |
PageSetup |
CheckHangulEndings |
Options |
CheckIfOfficeIsHTMLEditor |
DefaultWebOptions |
CheckIfWordIsDefaultHTMLEditor |
DefaultWebOptions |
CheckLanguage |
Application |
ChildFramesetCount |
Frameset |
ChildFramesetItem |
Frameset |
ClickAndTypeParagraphStyle |
Document |
Color |
Border, Font |
ColorIndexBi |
Font |
COMAddIns |
Application |
CombineCharacters |
Range |
CommandName |
Dialog |
ComposeStyle |
EmailOptions |
ConvertHighAnsiToFarEast |
Options |
CorrectHangulAndAlphabet |
AutoCorrect |
CorrectHangulEndings |
Find |
CorrectKeyboardSetting |
AutoCorrect |
CurrentEmailAuthor |
Email |
CursorMovement |
Options |
DefaultBorderColor |
Options |
DiacriticColor |
Font |
DiacriticColorVal |
Options |
DisableCharacterSpaceGrid |
Font, Range |
DisableLineHeightGrid |
Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
DisplayGridLines |
Options |
DisplayLeftScrollBar |
Window |
DisplayRightRuler |
Window |
DocumentViewDirection |
Options |
DoubleQuote |
PageNumbers |
Email |
Document |
EmailOptions |
Application |
EmailSignature |
EmailOptions |
EmailSubject |
Hyperlink |
EmphasisMark |
Font, Range |
EnableHangulHanjaRecentOrdering |
Options |
EnableMisusedWordsDictionary |
Options |
Encoding |
DefaultWebOptions, WebOptions |
EnvelopeVisible |
Window |
FarEastLineBreakControl |
Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
FarEastLineBreakLanguage |
Document, Template |
FarEastLineBreakLevel |
Document, Template |
FeatureInstall |
Application |
Filter |
Index |
FitText |
Cell |
FitTextWidth |
Range, Selection |
FlowDirection |
TextColumns |
FolderSuffix |
DefaultWebOptions, WebOptions |
Fonts |
DefaultWebOptions |
ForegroundPatternColor |
Shading |
FrameDefaultURL |
Frameset |
FrameDisplayBorders |
Frameset |
FrameLinkToFile |
Frameset |
FrameName |
Frameset |
FrameResizable |
Frameset |
FrameScrollbarType |
Frameset |
Frameset |
Document, Pane |
FramesetBorderColor |
Frameset |
FramesetBorderWidth |
Frameset |
GridOriginFromMargin |
Document |
GridSpaceBetweenHorizontalLines |
Document |
GridSpaceBetweenVerticalLines |
Document |
GutterPos |
PageSetup |
GutterStyle |
PageSetup |
HalfWidthPunctuationOnTopOfLine |
Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
HangingPunctuation |
Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
HangulAndAlphabetAutoAdd |
AutoCorrect |
HangulAndAlphabetExceptions |
AutoCorrect |
HangulHanjaDictionaries |
Application, Global |
HangulHanjaFastConversion |
Options |
HebrewMode |
Options |
HeightType |
Frameset |
HidePageNumbersInWeb |
TableOfContents, TableOfFigures |
HorizontalInVertical |
Range |
HorizontalLineFormat |
InlineShape |
HTMLProject |
Document |
IMEAutomaticControl |
Options |
IMEMode |
Window |
IndexLanguage |
Index |
InlineConversion |
Options |
InsideColor |
Borders |
InterpretHighAnsi |
Options |
ItalicBi |
Font, Range |
JustificationMode |
Document, Template |
Kana |
Range |
KerningByAlgorithm |
Document, Template |
Language |
Application |
LanguageDetected |
Document, Range, Selection |
LanguageSettings |
Application, Global |
LayoutMode |
PageSetup |
LeftPadding |
Cell, Table |
LinesPage |
PageSetup |
LineUnitAfter |
Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
LineUnitBefore |
Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
MarkComments |
EmailOptions |
MarkCommentsWith |
EmailOptions |
MatchAlefHamza |
Find |
MatchByte |
Find |
MatchControl |
Find |
MatchDiacritics |
Find |
MatchFuzzy |
Find |
MatchFuzzyAY |
Options |
MatchFuzzyBV |
Options |
MatchFuzzyByte |
Options |
MatchFuzzyCase |
Options |
MatchFuzzyDash |
Options |
MatchFuzzyDZ |
Options |
MatchFuzzyHF |
Options |
MatchFuzzyHiragana |
Options |
MatchFuzzyIterationMark |
Options |
MatchFuzzyKanji |
Options |
MatchFuzzyKiKu |
Options |
MatchFuzzyOldKana |
Options |
MatchFuzzyProlongedSoundMark |
Options |
MatchFuzzyPunctuation |
Options |
MatchFuzzySmallKana |
Options |
MatchFuzzySpace |
Options |
MatchFuzzyTC |
Options |
MatchFuzzyZJ |
Options |
MatchKashida |
Find |
MonthNames |
Options |
MultipleWordConversionsMode |
Options |
NameBi |
Font |
NestingLevel |
Cell, Cells, Column, Columns, Row, Rows, Table, Tables |
NewMessageSignature |
EmailSignature |
NoLineBreakAfter |
Document, Template |
NoLineBreakBefore |
Document, Template |
NoProofing |
Find, Range, Replacement, Selection, Style, Template |
NoShade |
HorizontalLineFormat |
OpenEncoding |
Document |
OptimizeForBrowser |
DefaultWebOptions, WebOptions |
OptimizeForWord97 |
Document |
OptimizeForWord97byDefault |
Options |
OrganizeInFolder |
DefaultWebOptions, WebOptions |
OtherCorrectionsAutoAdd |
AutoCorrect |
OtherCorrectionsExceptions |
AutoCorrect |
OutsideColor |
Borders |
ParentFrameset |
Frameset |
PercentWidth |
HorizontalLineFormat |
PixelsPerInch |
DefaultWebOptions, WebOptions |
PreferredWidth |
Cell, Cells, Column, Columns, Table |
PreferredWidthType |
Cell, Cells, Column, Columns, Table |
PrintEvenPagesInAscendingOrder |
Options |
PrintOddPagesInAscendingOrder |
Options |
ReadingOrder |
Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
RelyOnCSS |
DefaultWebOptions, WebOptions |
RelyOnVML |
DefaultWebOptions, WebOptions |
ReplaceTextFromSpellingChecker |
AutoCorrect |
ReplyMessageSignature |
EmailSignature |
ReplyStyle |
EmailOptions |
RightPadding |
Cell, Table |
SaveEncoding |
Document |
ScreenSize |
DefaultWebOptions, WebOptions |
ScreenTip |
Hyperlink |
Script |
InlineShape, Shape |
Scripts |
Document, Range |
SectionDirection |
PageSetup |
ShowControlCharacters |
Options |
ShowDiacritics |
Options |
ShowOptionalBreaks |
View |
SizeBi |
Font |
SortBy |
Index |
SpaceAfterAuto |
Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
SpaceBeforeAuto |
Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
StrictFinalYaa |
Options |
StrictInitialAlefHamza |
Options |
TableDirection |
Rows, Table |
TextToDisplay |
Hyperlink |
ThemeName |
EmailOptions |
TopLevelTables |
Range, Selection |
TopPadding |
Cell, Table |
TwoLinesInOne |
Range |
TwoPagesOnOne |
PageSetup |
UnderlineColor |
Font |
UpdateLinksOnSave |
DefaultWebOptions |
UseCharacterUnit |
Options |
UseDiffDiacColor |
Options |
UseGermanSpellingReform |
Options |
UseHyperlinks |
TableOfContents, TableOfFigures |
UseLongFileNames |
DefaultWebOptions, WebOptions |
UseThemeStyle |
EmailOptions |
VBASigned |
Document |
VisualSelection |
Options |
WebOptions |
Document |
WidthType |
Frameset, HorizontalLineFormat |
WordWrap |
Cell, Paragraph, ParagraphFormat, Paragraphs |
WrapAroundText |
Rows |