Add Method (FirstLetterExceptions, OtherCorrectionsExceptions, and TwoInitialCapsExceptions Collections)

See Also         Example         Applies To

Adds a new exception to the list of AutoCorrect exceptions.



expression   Required. An expression that returns a FirstLetterExceptions, OtherCorrectionsExceptions, or TwoInitialCapsExceptions object.

Name   Required String. The word with two initial capital letters that you want Microsoft Word to overlook (FirstLetterExceptions), the abbreviation that you don't want Word to follow with a capital letter (TwoInitialCapsExceptions), or any other word you want Word to overlook (OtherCorrectionsExceptions).


If the TwoInitialCapsAutoAdd property is True, words are automatically added to the list of initial-capital exceptions. If the FirstLetterAutoAdd property is True, abbreviations are automatically added to the list of first-letter exceptions. If the OtherCorrectionsAutoAdd property is True, words are automatically added to the list of other corrections exceptions.