Add Method (Indexes Collection)

See Also         Example         Applies To

Adds a new index to a document.


expression.Add(Range, HeadingSeparator, RightAlignPageNumbers, Type, NumberOfColumns, AccentedLetters, SortBy, IndexLanguage)

expression   Required. An expression that returns an Indexes object.

Range   Required Range. The range where you want the index to appear. The index replaces the range, if the range isn't collapsed.

HeadingSeparator   Optional Variant. The text between alphabetic groups (entries that start with the same letter) in the index. Can be one of the following WdHeadingSeparator constants: wdHeadingSeparatorBlankLine, wdHeadingSeparatorLetter, wdHeadingSeparatorLetterFull, wdHeadingSeparatorLetterLow, or wdHeadingSeparatorNone.

RightAlignPageNumbers   Optional Variant. True to align page numbers with the right margin.

Type   Optional Variant. Specifies whether subentries are on the same line (run-in) as the main entry or on a separate line (indented) from the main entry. Can be either of the following WdIndexType constants: wdIndexIndent or wdIndexRunin.

NumberOfColumns   Optional Variant. The number of columns for each page of the index. Specifying 0 (zero) sets the number of columns in the index to the same number as in the document.

AccentedLetters   Optional Variant. True to include separate headings for accented letters in the index (for example, words that begin with "À" and words that begin with "A" are listed under separate headings).

SortBy   Optional Variant. The sorting criteria to be used for the specified index. Can be either of the following WdIndexSortBy constants: wdIndexSortByStroke or wdIndexSortBySyllable.

IndexLanguage   Optional Variant. The sorting language to be used for the specified index. Can be any of the WdLanguageID constants. For the list of valid WdLanguageID constants, see the Object Browser in the Visual Basic Editor.


An index is built from XE (Index Entry) fields in a document. Use the MarkEntry method to mark index entries to be included in an index.