Creates a WordArt object. Returns a Shape object that represents the new WordArt object.
expression.AddTextEffect(PresetTextEffect, Text, FontName, FontSize, FontBold, FontItalic, Left, Top, Anchor)
expression Required. An expression that returns a Shapes collection.
PresetTextEffect Required Long. A preset text effect. Can be one of the following MsoPresetTextEffect constants.
msoTextEffect2 msoTextEffect3 msoTextEffect4 msoTextEffect5 msoTextEffect6 msoTextEffect7 msoTextEffect8 msoTextEffect9 msoTextEffect10 msoTextEffect11 msoTextEffect12 msoTextEffect13 msoTextEffect14 msoTextEffect15 |
msoTextEffect17 msoTextEffect18 msoTextEffect19 msoTextEffect20 msoTextEffect21 msoTextEffect22 msoTextEffect23 msoTextEffect24 msoTextEffect25 msoTextEffect26 msoTextEffect27 msoTextEffect28 msoTextEffect29 msoTextEffect30 |
The values of these constants correspond to the formats listed in the WordArt Gallery dialog box (numbered from left to right and from top to bottom).
Text Required String. The text in the WordArt.
FontName Required String. The name of the font used in the WordArt.
FontSize Required Single. The size (in points) of the font used in the WordArt.
FontBold Required Long. True to set the font used in the WordArt to bold.
FontItalic Required Long. True to set the font used in the WordArt to italic.
Left, Top Required Single. The position (in points) of the upper-left corner of the WordArt's bounding box, relative to the anchor
Anchor Optional Variant. A Range object that represents the text to which the WordArt is bound. If Anchor is specified, the anchor is positioned at the beginning of the first paragraph in the anchoring range. If this argument is omitted, the anchoring range is selected automatically and the WordArt is positioned relative to the top and left edges of the page.
When you add WordArt to a document, the height and width of the WordArt are automatically set based on the size and amount of text you specify.