Copy Method Example

This example copies the contents of the selection into a new document.

If Selection.Type = wdSelectionNormal Then
End If

This example sets the Book2 bookmark to the location marked by the Book1 bookmark.

ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Book1").Copy Name:="Book2"

This example sets the Selection bookmark to the \Sel predefined bookmark in the active document.

ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("\Sel").Copy Name:="Selection"

This example copies the first paragraph in the active document and pastes it at the end of the document.

Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Range _
    (Start:=ActiveDocument.Content.End - 1, _
    End:=ActiveDocument.Content.End - 1)

This example copies the comments in the active document to the Clipboard.

If ActiveDocument.Comments.Count >= 1 Then
End If