CreateLetterContent Method Example
The following example uses the CreateLetterContent method to create a new LetterContent object in the active document and then uses this object with the RunLetterWizard method.
Set myLetter = ActiveDocument _
.CreateLetterContent(DateFormat:="July 31, 1996", _
IncludeHeaderFooter:=False, PageDesign:="", _
LetterStyle:=wdFullBlock, Letterhead:=True, _
LetterheadLocation:=wdLetterTop, _
LetterheadSize:=InchesToPoints(1.5), _
RecipientName:="Dave Edson", _
RecipientAddress:="436 SE Main St." & vbCr _
& "Bellevue, WA 98004", _
Salutation:="Dear Dave,", _
SalutationType:=wdSalutationInformal, _
RecipientReference:="", MailingInstructions:="", _
AttentionLine:="", Subject:="End of year report", _
CCList:="", ReturnAddress:="", _
SenderName:="", Closing:="Sincerely yours,", _
SenderCompany:="", SenderJobTitle:="", _
SenderInitials:="", EnclosureNumber:=0)
ActiveDocument.RunLetterWizard LetterContent:=myLetter