GoToNext Method

See Also         Example         Applies To

Range or Selection object: Returns a Range object that refers to the start position of the next item or location specified by the What argument. If you apply this method to the Selection object, the method moves the selection to the specified item (except for the wdGoToGrammaticalError, wdGoToProofreadingError, and wdGoToSpellingError constants).

Note   When you use this method with the wdGoToGrammaticalError, wdGoToProofreadingError, or wdGoToSpellingError constant, the Range object that's returned includes any grammar error text or spelling error text.

MailMessage object: Displays the next mail message if you are using Word as your e-mail editor.

Syntax 1


Syntax 2


expression   Required. An expression that returns a Range or Selection object (Syntax 1) or a MailMessage object (Syntax 2).

What   Required Long. The item that the specified range or selection it to be moved to. Can be one of the following WdGoToItem constants: wdGoToBookmark, wdGoToComment, wdGoToEndnote, wdGoToEquation, wdGoToField, wdGoToFootnote, wdGoToGrammaticalError, wdGoToGraphic, wdGoToHeading, wdGoToLine, wdGoToObject, wdGoToPage, wdGoToPercent, wdGoToProofreadingError, wdGoToSection, wdGoToSpellingError, or wdGoToTable.