Help Method

See Also         Example         Applies To

Displays on-line Help information.



expression   An expression that returns a Application object.

HelpType   Required Variant. The on-line Help topic or window. Can be one of the WdHelpType constants listed in the following table.

Constant Description
wdHelp Displays the Help Topics dialog box.
wdHelpAbout Displays the About Microsoft Word dialog box (Help menu).
wdHelpActiveWindow Displays Help describing the command associated with the active view or pane.
wdHelpContents Displays the Help Topics dialog box.
wdHelpHWP Displays Help topics for AreA Hangul users.
wdHelpIchitaro Displays Help topics for Ichitaro users.
wdHelpIndex Displays the Help Topics dialog box.
wdHelpPE2 Displays Help topics for IBM Personal Editor 2 users.
wdHelpPSSHelp Displays product support information.
wdHelpSearch Displays the Help Topics dialog box.
wdHelpUsingHelp Displays a list of Help topics that describe how to use Help.


Some of the constants listed above may not be available to you, depending on the language support (U.S. English, for example) that you’ve selected or installed.