InsertSymbol Method

See Also         Example         Applies To

Inserts a symbol in place of the specified range or selection.

Note   If you don't want to replace the range or selection, use the Collapse method before you use this method.


expression.InsertSymbol(CharacterNumber, Font, Unicode, Bias)

expression   Required. An expression that returns a Range or Selection object.

CharacterNumber   Required Long. The character number for the specified symbol. This value will always be the sum of 31 and the number that corresponds to the position of the symbol in the table of symbols (counting from left to right). For example, to specify a delta character at position 37 in the table of symbols in the Symbol font, set CharacterNumber to 68.

Font   Optional Variant. The name of the font that contains the symbol.

Unicode   Optional Variant. True to insert the unicode character specified by CharacterNumber; False to insert the ANSI character specified by CharacterNumber. The default value is False.

Bias   Optional Variant. Sets the font bias for symbols. This argument is useful for setting the correct font bias for East Asian characters. Can be one of the following WdFontBias constants: wdFontBiasDefault, wdFontBiasDontCare, or wdFontBiasFareast. This argument may not be available to you, depending on the language support (U.S. English, for example) that you’ve selected or installed.