LinkToListTemplate Method Example

This example creates a new list template and then links heading styles 1 through 9 to levels 1 through 9. The new list template is then applied to the document. Any paragraphs formatted as heading styles will assume the numbering from the list template.

Set LT = ActiveDocument.ListTemplates.Add(OutlineNumbered:=True)
For x = 1 To 9
    With LT.ListLevels(x)
        .NumberStyle = wdListNumberStyleArabic
        .NumberPosition = InchesToPoints(0.25 * (x - 1))
        .TextPosition = InchesToPoints(0.25 * x)
        .NumberFormat = "%" & x & "."
    End With
    With ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading " & x)
       .LinkToListTemplate ListTemplate:=LT
    End With
Next x
ActiveDocument.Content.ListFormat.ApplyListTemplate _