Open Method

See Also         Example         Applies To

Syntax 1: Opens the specified document and adds it to the Documents collection. Returns a Document object.

Syntax 2: Opens the specified object. When applied to a Subdocument or RecentFile object, Syntax 2 returns a Document object.

Syntax 1

expression.Open(FileName, ConfirmConversions, ReadOnly, AddToRecentFiles, PasswordDocument, PasswordTemplate, Revert, WritePasswordDocument, WritePasswordTemplate, Format, Encoding, Visible)

Syntax 2


expression   Syntax 1: Required. An expression that returns a Documents object.

Syntax 2: Required. An expression that returns an OLEFormat, RecentFile, Subdocument, or Version object.

FileName   Required Variant. The name of the document (paths are accepted).

ConfirmConversions   Optional Variant. True to display the Convert File dialog box if the file isn't in Microsoft Word format.

ReadOnly   Optional Variant. True to open the document as read-only.

AddToRecentFiles   Optional Variant. True to add the file name to the list of recently used files at the bottom of the File menu.

PasswordDocument   Optional Variant. The password for opening the document.

PasswordTemplate   Optional Variant. The password for opening the template.

Revert   Optional Variant. Controls what happens if Name is the file name of an open document. True to discard any unsaved changes to the open document and reopen the file. False to activate the open document.

WritePasswordDocument   Optional Variant. The password for saving changes to the document.

WritePasswordTemplate   Optional Variant. The password for saving changes to the template.

Format   Optional Variant. The file converter to be used to open the document. Can be one of the following WdOpenFormat constants: wdOpenFormatAllWord, wdOpenFormatAuto, wdOpenFormatDocument, wdOpenFormatEncodedText, wdOpenFormatRTF, wdOpenFormatTemplate, wdOpenFormatText, wdOpenFormatUnicodeText, or wdOpenFormatWebPages. The default value is wdOpenFormatAuto.

To specify an external file format, apply the OpenFormat property to a FileConverter object to determine the value to use with this argument.

Encoding   Optional Variant. The document encoding (code page or character set) to be used by Microsoft Word when you view the saved document. Can be any valid MsoEncoding constant. For the list of valid MsoEncoding constants, see the Object Browser in the Visual Basic Editor. The default is the system code page. Read/write Long.

Visible   Optional Variant. True if the document is opened in a visible window. The default is True.