Unload Method

See Also         Example         Applies To

Unloads all loaded add-ins and, depending on the value of the RemoveFromList argument, removes them from the AddIns collection.



expression   Required. An expression that returns an AddIns object.

RemoveFromList   Required Boolean. True to remove the unloaded add-ins from the AddIns collection (the names are removed from the Templates and Add-ins dialog box). False to leave the unloaded add-ins in the collection.

If the Autoload property for an unloaded add-in returns True, Unload cannot remove that add-in from the AddIns collection, regardless of the value of RemoveFromList.


To unload a single template or WLL, set the Installed property of the AddIn object to False. To remove a single template or WLL from the AddIns collection, apply the Delete method to the AddIn object.