Alignment Property

See Also         Example         Applies To

ListLevel object: Returns or sets the alignment for the list level for the list template. Can be one of the following WdListLevelAlignment constants: wdListLevelAlignCenter, wdListLevelAlignLeft, or wdListLevelAlignRight. Read/write Long.

HorizontalLineFormat object: Returns or sets the alignment for the horizontal line. Can be one of the following WdHorizontalLineAlignment constants: wdHorizontalLineAlignCenter, wdHorizontalLineAlignLeft, or wdHorizontalLineAlignRight. Read/write Long.

PageNumber object: Returns or sets the alignment for the page number. Can be one of the following WdPageNumberAlignment constants: wdAlignPageNumberCenter, wdAlignPageNumberInside, wdAlignPageNumberLeft, wdAlignPageNumberOutside, or wdAlignPageNumberRight. Read/write Long.

Paragraph, Paragraphs, or ParagraphFormat object: Returns or sets the alignment for the specified paragraphs. Can be one of the following WdParagraphAlignment constants: wdAlignParagraphLeft, wdAlignParagraphCenter, wdAlignParagraphDistribute, wdAlignParagraphRight, wdAlignParagraphJustify, wdAlignParagraphJustifyHi, wdAlignParagraphJustifyLow, or wdAlignParagraphJustifyMed. Read/write Long. Some of the constants listed above may not be available to you, depending on the language support (U.S. English, for example) that you’ve selected or installed.

Row or Rows object: Returns or sets the alignment for the specified rows. Can be one of the following WdRowAlignment constants: wdAlignRowLeft, wdAlignRowCenter, or wdAlignRowRight. Read/write Long.

TabStop object: Returns or sets the alignment for the specified tab stop. Can be one of the following WdTabAlignment constants: wdAlignTabBar, wdAlignTabCenter, wdAlignTabDecimal, wdAlignTabLeft, wdAlignTabList, or wdAlignTabRight. Read/write Long.