Duplicate Property

         Example         Applies To

Font object: Returns a Font object that represents the character formatting of the specified font. Read-only.

LetterContent object: Returns a LetterContent object that represents the contents of the specified letter created by the Letter Wizard. Read-only.

ParagraphFormat object: Returns a ParagraphFormat object that represents the paragraph formatting of the specified paragraph. Read-only.

Range object: Returns a Range object that represents all the properties of the specified range. Read-only.

TextRetrievalMode object: Returns a TextRetrievalMode object that represents options related to retrieving text from the specified Range object. Read-only.


You can use the Duplicate property to pick up the settings of all the properties of a duplicated Font, LetterContent, or ParagraphFormat object. You can assign the object returned by the Duplicate property to another object of the same type to apply those settings all at once. Before assigning the duplicate object to another object, you can change any of the properties of the duplicate object without affecting the original.

By duplicating a Range object, you can change the starting or ending character position of the duplicate range without changing the original range.