Kind Property

See Also         Example         Applies To

Document object: Returns or sets the format type that Word uses when automatically formatting the specified document. Can be one of the following WdDocumentKind constants: wdDocumentEmail, wdDocumentLetter, or wdDocumentNotSpecified. Read/write Long.

Field object: Returns the type of link for a Field object. Read-only Long.

Can be one the following WdFieldKind constants.

Constant Description
wdFieldKindHot A field that's automatically updated each time it's displayed or each time the page is reformatted, but which can also be manually updated (for example, INCLUDEPICTURE or FORMDROPDOWN).
wdFieldKindWarm A field that can be updated and has a result. This type includes fields that are automatically updated when the source changes as well as fields that can be manually updated (for example, DATE or INCLUDETEXT).
wdFieldKindNone An invalid field (for example, a pair of field characters with nothing inside).
wdFieldKindCold A field that doesn't have a result (for example, XE (Index Entry) fields, TC (Table of Contents Entry) fields, or Private fields).