LineSpacing Property

See Also         Example         Applies To

Returns or sets the line spacing (in points) for the specified paragraphs. Read/write Single.


The LineSpacing property can be set after the LineSpacingRule property has been set to wdLineSpaceAtLeast, wdLineSpaceExactly, or wdLineSpaceMultiple. If wdLineSpaceAtLeast is used, the line spacing can be greater than or equal to, but never less than, the specified LineSpacing value. If wdLineSpaceExactly is used, the line spacing never changes from the specified LineSpacing value, even if a larger font is used within the paragraph. If wdLineSpaceMultiple is used, a LineSpacing property value must be specified, in points.

Use the LinesToPoints method to convert a number of lines to the corresponding value in points. For example, LinesToPoints(2) returns the value 24.