Name Property Example

This example adds a document variable to the active document and then displays the name of the first document variable.

ActiveDocument.Variables.Add Name:="Temp", Value:="1"
MsgBox ActiveDocument.Variables(1).Name

This example returns the name of the first bookmark in Hello.doc.

abook = Documents("Hello.doc").Bookmarks(1).Name

This example displays the names of the form fields in the active document.

If ActiveDocument.FormFields.Count >= 1 Then
    For Each FF In ActiveDocument.FormFields
        FFNames = FFNames & FF.Name & vbCr
    Next FF
    MsgBox FFNames
End If

This example formats the selection as Arial bold.

With Selection.Font
    .Name = "Arial"
    .Bold = True
End With

This example sets the name of the first list template used in the active document to "myList." A LISTNUM field (linked to the myList template) is then added at the insertion point. The field adopts the formatting of the myList template.

If ActiveDocument.ListTemplates.Count >= 1 Then
    ActiveDocument.ListTemplates(1).Name = "myList"
    Selection.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseEnd
    ActiveDocument.Fields.Add Range:=Selection.Range, _
        Type:=wdFieldListNum, Text:="myList"
End If