NextStoryRange Property Example
This example adds text to the even headers in the first two sections in the active document.
If ActiveDocument.Sections.Count >= 2 Then
With ActiveDocument
.PageSetup.OddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter = True
.Sections(1).Headers(wdHeaderFooterEvenPages) _
.Range.Text = "Even Header"
.Sections(2).Headers(wdHeaderFooterEvenPages) _
.LinkToPrevious = False
.StoryRanges(wdEvenPagesHeaderStory) _
.NextStoryRange.Text = "Even Header 2"
End With
End If
This example searches each story in the active document for the text "Microsoft Word." The example also applies italic formatting to any instances of this text that it finds.
For Each myStoryRange In ActiveDocument.StoryRanges
myStoryRange.Find.Execute _
FindText:="Microsoft Word", Forward:=True
While myStoryRange.Find.Found
myStoryRange.Italic = True
myStoryRange.Find.Execute _
FindText:="Microsoft Word", Forward:=True
While Not (myStoryRange.NextStoryRange Is Nothing)
Set myStoryRange = myStoryRange.NextStoryRange
myStoryRange.Find.Execute _
FindText:="Microsoft Word", Forward:=True
While myStoryRange.Find.Found
myStoryRange.Italic = True
myStoryRange.Find.Execute _
FindText:="Microsoft Word", Forward:=True
Next myStoryRange