Returns or sets the page size for the specified custom mailing label. Can be one of the following WdCustomLabelPageSize constants: wdCustomLabelA4, wdCustomLabelA4LS, wdCustomLabelA5, wdCustomLabelA5LS, wdCustomLabelB4JIS, wdCustomLabelB5, wdCustomLabelFanfold, wdCustomLabelHigaki, wdCustomLabelHigakiLS, wdCustomLabelLetter, wdCustomLabelLetterLS, wdCustomLabelMini, wdCustomLabelVertHalfSheet, or wdCustomLabelVertHalfSheetLS. Read/write Long.
Some of the constants listed above may not be available to you, depending on the language support (U.S. English, for example) that you’ve selected or installed.