PartOfSpeechList Property Example
This example checks to see whether the thesaurus found any meanings for the selection. If so, the meanings and their corresponding parts of speech are displayed in a series of message boxes.
Set mySynInfo = Selection.Range.SynonymInfo
If mySynInfo.MeaningCount <> 0 Then
myList = mySynInfo.MeaningList
myPos = mySynInfo.PartOfSpeechList
For i = 1 To UBound(myPos)
Select Case myPos(i)
Case wdAdjective
pos = "adjective"
Case wdNoun
pos = "noun"
Case wdAdverb
pos = "adverb"
Case wdVerb
pos = "verb"
Case Else
pos = "other"
End Select
MsgBox myList(i) & " found as " & pos
Next i
MsgBox "There were no meanings found."
End If