ReturnAddress Property Example

This example displays the return address if an envelope has been added to the active document; otherwise, a message box is displayed.

On Error GoTo errhandler
addr = ActiveDocument.Envelope.ReturnAddress.Text
MsgBox Prompt:=addr, Title:="Return Address"
If Err = 5852 Then MsgBox _
    "The active document doesn't include an envelope"

This example creates a new LetterContent object, sets the return address and several other properties, and then runs the Letter Wizard by using the RunLetterWizard method.

Dim oLC as New LetterContent
With oLC
    .LetterStyle = wdFullBlock
    .Salutation ="Hello"
    .SalutationType = wdSalutationOther
    .ReturnAddress = Application.UserAddress
End With
Documents.Add.RunLetterWizard LetterContent:=oLC