SeekView Property Example

If the active document has footnotes, this example displays footnotes in print layout view.

If ActiveDocument.Footnotes.Count >= 1 Then
    With ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View
        .Type = wdPrintView
        .SeekView = wdSeekFootnotes
    End With
End If

This example shows the first page footer for the current section.

ActiveDocument.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True
With ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View
    .Type = wdPrintView
    .SeekView = wdSeekFirstPageFooter
End With

If the selection is in a footnote area or endnote area in print layout view, this example switches to the main document.

Set myView = ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.View
If myView.SeekView = wdSeekFootnotes Or _
    myView.SeekView = wdSeekEndnotes Then
    myView.SeekView = wdSeekMainDocument
End If