Top Property

See Also         Example         Applies To

Application, Task, or Window object: Returns or sets the vertical position of the active document (Application) or the specified task or window, in points. Read/write Long.

Shape or ShapeRange object: Returns or sets the vertical position of the specified shape or shape range, in points. Can also be one of the following WdShapePosition constants: wdShapeTop, wdShapeBottom, wdShapeCenter, wdShapeInside, or wdShapeOutside. Read/write Single.


Setting the Top property for the Application object affects only the active document.

The position of a shape is measured from the upper-left corner of the shape's bounding box to the shape's anchor. The RelativeVerticalPosition property controls whether the shape's anchor is positioned alongside the line, the paragraph, the margin, or the edge of the page.

For a ShapeRange object that contains more than one shape, the Top property sets the vertical position of each shape.