Type Property

See Also         Example         Applies To

Returns or sets the type for the specified object, as described in the following table.

Object Description
CalloutFormat Returns or sets the callout type. Can be one of the MsoCalloutType constants: msoCalloutOne, msoCalloutTwo, msoCalloutThree, msoCalloutFour, or msoCalloutMixed. Read/write Long.
ColorFormat Returns or sets the shape color type. Can be one of the following MsoColorType constants: msoColorTypeMixed, msoColorTypeRGB, or msoColorTypeScheme. Read-only Long.
Dialog Returns the type of built-in Microsoft Word dialog box. Can be one of the WdWordDialog constants. Read-only Long.
Dictionary Returns the dictionary type. Can be one of the following WdDictionaryType constants: wdGrammar, wdHangulHanjaConversion, wdHangulHanjaConversionCustom, wdHyphenation, wdSpelling, wdSpellingComplete, wdSpellingCustom, wdSpellingLegal, wdSpellingMedical, or wdThesaurus. Read-only Long. Some of these constants may not be available to you, depending on the language support (U.S. English, for example) that you’ve selected or installed.
Document Returns the document type (template or document). Can be either of the following WdDocumentType constants: wdTypeDocument, wdTypeFrameset, or wdTypeTemplate. Read-only Long.
Field, FormField, MailMergeField Returns the field type. Can be one of the WdFieldType constants. Read-only Long.
FillFormat Returns the shape fill format type. Can be one of the following MsoFillType constants: msoFillBackground, msoFillGradient, msoFillMixed, msoFillPatterned, msoFillPicture, msoFillSolid or msoFillTextured. Read-only Long.
Frameset Returns the Frameset object type. Can be either of the following WdFramesetType constants: wdFramesetTypeFrame or wdFramesetTypeFrameset. Read-only Long.
Hyperlink Returns the hyperlink type. Can be one of the following MsoHyperlinkType constants: msoHyperlinkInlineShape, msoHyperlinkRange, or msoHyperlinkShape. Read-only Long.
Index Returns or sets the index type. Can be either of the following WdIndexType constants: wdIndexIndent or wdIndexRunin. Read/write Long.
InlineShape Returns the type of inline shape. Can be one of the following WdInlineShapeType constants: wdInlineShapeEmbeddedOLEObject, wdInlineShapeHorizontalLine, wdInlineShapeLinkedOLEObject, wdInlineShapeLinkedPicture, wdInlineShapeLinkedPictureHorizontalLine, wdInlineShapeOLEControlObject, wdInlineShapeOWSAnchor, wdInlineShapePicture, wdInlineShapePictureBullet, wdInlineShapePictureHorizontalLine, or wdInlineShapeScriptAnchor. Read-only Long.
LinkFormat Returns the link type. Can be one of the following WdLinkType constants: wdLinkTypeDDE, wdLinkTypeDDEAuto, wdLinkTypeImport, wdLinkTypeInclude, wdLinkTypeOLE, wdLinkTypePicture, wdLinkTypeReference, or wdLinkTypeText. Read-only Long.
MailMergeDataSource Returns the type of mail merge data source. Can be one of the following WdMailMergeDataSource constants: wdMergeInfoFromAccessDDE, wdMergeInfoFromExcelDDE, wdMergeInfoFromMSQueryDDE, wdMergeInfoFromODBC, wdMergeInfoFromWord, or wdNoMergeInfo. Read-only Long.
ProofreadingErrors Returns the type of proofreading error. Can be either of the following WdProofreadingErrorType constants: wdGrammaticalError or wdSpellingError. Read-only Long.
Revision Returns the revision type. Can be one of the following WdRevisionType constants: wdNoRevision, wdRevisionDelete, wdRevisionDisplayField, wdRevisionInsert, wdRevisionParagraphNumber, wdRevisionProperty, wdRevisionReconcile, wdRevisionReplace, or wdRevisionStyle. Read-only Long.
Selection Returns the selection type. Can be one of the following WdSelectionType constants: wdNoSelection, wdSelectionBlock, wdSelectionColumn, wdSelectionFrame, wdSelectionInlineShape, wdSelectionIP, wdSelectionNormal, wdSelectionRow, or wdSelectionShape. Read-only Long.
ShadowFormat Returns or sets the shape shadow type. Can be one of the following MsoShadowType constants: msoShadow1, msoShadow2, msoShadow3, msoShadow4, msoShadow5, msoShadow6, msoShadow7, msoShadow8, msoShadow9, msoShadow10, msoShadow11, msoShadow12, msoShadow13, msoShadow14, msoShadow15, msoShadow16, msoShadow17, msoShadow18, msoShadow19, msoShadow20, or msoShadowMixed. Read/write Long.
Shape, ShapeRange Returns the shape type. Can be one of the following MsoShapeType constants: msoAutoShape, msoCallout, msoChart, msoComment, msoEmbeddedOLEObject, msoFormControl, msoFreeform, msoGroup, msoLine, msoLinkedOLEObject, msoLinkedPicture, msoMedia, msoOLEControlObject, msoPicture, msoPlaceholder, msoScriptAnchor, msoShapeTypeMixed, msoTable, msoTextBox, or msoTextEffect. Read-only Long.
Style Returns the style type. Can be either of the following WdStyleType constants: wdStyleTypeParagraph or wdStyleTypeCharacter. Read-only Long.
Template Returns the template type. Can be one of the following WdTemplateType constants: wdAttachedTemplate, wdGlobalTemplate, or wdNormalTemplate. Read-only Long.
TextInput Returns the type of text form field. Can be one of the following WdTextFormFieldType constants: wdCalculationText, wdCurrentDateText, wdCurrentTimeText, wdDateText, wdNumberText, or wdRegularText. Read-only Long.
View Returns or sets the view type. Can be one of the following WdViewType constants: wdMasterView, wdNormalView, wdOutlineView, wdPrintPreview, wdPrintView, or wdWebView. Read/write Long.
Window Returns the window type. Can be either of the following WdWindowType constants: wdWindowDocument or wdWindowTemplate. Read-only Long.
WrapFormat Returns the wrap type for the specified shape. Can be one of the following WdWrapType constants: wdWrapNone, wdWrapSquare, wdWrapThrough, wdWrapTight, or wdWrapTopBottom. Read/write Long.