Graphic filters and file formats Microsoft Access can use

Graphic filters and file formats Microsoft Access can use

You can insert many popular graphics file formats into a form, report, or data access page either directly or with the use of separate graphics filters by using the Picture command on the Insert menu. For forms and reports, you don't need a separate graphics filter installed to insert Enhanced Metafile (.emf), Windows bitmap (.bmp, .rle, .dib), Windows Metafile (.wmf), and icon (.ico) graphics. However, you do need a graphics filter installed to insert all other graphics file formats listed below.

Graphics file formats requiring separate graphics filters
Computer Graphics Metafile (.cgm) Kodak Photo CD (.pcd)
CorelDRAW (.cdr) Macintosh PICT (.pct)
Encapsulated PostScript (.eps) PC Paintbrush (.pcx)
FlashPix (.fpx) Portable Network Graphics (.png)
Graphic Interchange Format (.gif) Tagged Image File Format (.tif)
Hanako (.jsh, .jah, .jbh) WordPerfect Graphics (.wpg)
JPEG File Interchange Format (.jpg) X-Bitmap (.xbm)

For pages, you don't need a separate graphics filter installed to insert Windows bitmap (.bmp, .rle, .dib) graphics. However, you do need a graphics filter installed to insert Graphic Interchange Format (.gif), JPEG File Interchange Format (.jpg), Portable Network Graphics (.png), and X-Bitmap (.xbm) graphics.

The separate graphics filters are not supplied with the stand-alone version of Microsoft Access 2000. To use the filters, you need to install Microsoft Office 2000 Professional Edition, Microsoft Office 2000 Premier Edition, or a stand-alone version of Microsoft Word 2000 along with your stand-alone version of Access 2000.

Note   For more information on each separate graphics filter, see your Word documentation.