This topic covers changes made to the Visual Basic object model between Microsoft Excel version 5.0 and Microsoft Excel for Windows 95. For more information about changes made between Microsoft Excel for Windows 95 and Microsoft Excel 97, see Changes to the Microsoft Excel 97 Object Model.
Existing properties and methods were changed, and several new properties, methods, and objects were added to Visual Basic in Microsoft Excel for Windows 95. For more information about these changes and additions, select one of the items in the following list, or scroll through this topic to find the information.
Changed Properties and Methods
OLE Document Properties Support
Changed Properties And Methods
The following properties and methods have been changed to support new Microsoft Excel features or to enhance existing features.
Topic | Description |
GetOpenFileName Method | The new MultiSelect argument allows you to select more than one filename in the Open dialog box. |
Names Property | Added to the Worksheet object to handle sheet-scoped names. |
PasteSpecial Method | For the Range object, a new constant for the paste argument allows you to paste range content and formatting but not border formatting. |
Protect Method | The new UserInterfaceOnly argument allows you to specify protection from user changes while still allowing changes from Visual Basic code. |
SaveAs Method | New arguments allow you to specify shared-mode access and how change conflicts are resolved. |
StatusBar Property | Added to the ToolbarButton object. |
The following new object, properties, methods have been added to support automatic corrections.
Topic | Description |
AddReplacement Method | Adds a row to the array of AutoCorrect replacements returned by the ReplacementList method. |
AutoCorrect Object | Contains AutoCorrect attributes (capitalization of names of days, correction of two initial capital letters, automatic correction list, and so on). |
AutoCorrect Property | Returns an AutoCorrect object that represents the AutoCorrect attributes. |
CapitalizeNamesOfDays Property | True if the first letters of names (and abbreviations) of days are capitalized automatically. |
DeleteReplacement Method | Deletes a row from the array of AutoCorrect replacements returned by the ReplacementList method. |
ReplacementList Method | Returns or sets the entire array or one row of the array of AutoCorrect replacements. |
ReplaceText Property | True if text from column one of the array of AutoCorrect replacements is automatically replaced with the text from column two. |
TwoInitialCapitals Property | True if occurrences of two initial capital letters in a word are corrected automatically. |
OLE Document Properties Support
The following new properties, methods, and objects have been added to support OLE document properties. Document properties allow Microsoft Excel to expose a standard set of built-in document properties and additional custom document properties added by the user.
Topic | Description |
BuiltinDocumentProperties Property | Returns a DocumentProperties collection object that contains the built-in document properties for the object. |
CustomDocumentProperties Property | Returns a DocumentProperties collection object that contains the custom document properties for the object. |
DocumentProperties Object | Represents the collection of document properties (either built-in or custom). |
DocumentProperty Object | Represents a single document property. |
LinkToContent Property | True if the value of a custom property is linked to the contents of the document it's contained in; False if the property is a static value. |
LinkSource Property | Specifies the source of a custom document property that's linked to document contents. |
The following method and property have been added to support the AutoComplete feature.
Topic | Description |
AutoComplete Method | Returns a completed string from the list, or returns an empty string if there was no completion or if more than one entry in the list matches. |
EnableAutoComplete Property | True if the AutoComplete feature is enabled. |
The following properties have been added to allow you to control the user's ability to change toolbars, filtered lists, PivotTable reports, and outlining.
Topic | Description |
EnableAutoFilter Property | True if AutoFilter arrows are enabled when user-interface-only protection is turned on. |
EnableOutlining Property | True if outlining symbols (show detail or hide detail) are enabled when user-interface-only protection is turned on. |
EnablePivotTable Property | True if PivotTable controls and actions are enabled when user-interface-only protection is turned on |
The following properties and methods have been added to control the appearance of the mouse pointer, turn animated insertion and deletion on and off, create a password-entry edit box, and set the background graphic for a worksheet or chart.
Topic | Description |
Cursor Property | Sets the appearance of the mouse pointer in Microsoft Excel. |
EnableAnimations Property | True if animated insertion and deletion is enabled. |
SetBackgroundPicture Method | Sets the background graphic for a worksheet or chart. |
Topic | Description |
AutoLoad Property | True if the OLE object is automatically loaded when the workbook that contains the object is opened. |
CopyFromRecordset Method | Copies the contents of a DAO Recordset object into cells on a worksheet, beginning at the first cell of the specified range. |
ListHeaderRows Property | Returns the number of header rows for the specified range. |
MoveAfterReturnDirection Property | Controls the direction in which the active cell is moved after the user presses ENTER. |
NetworkTemplatesPath Property | Returns the network path where templates are stored. If the network path doesn't exist, the property returns an empty string. |
Post Method | Posts the specified workbook to a Microsoft Exchange public folder or a Lotus Notes database. |
ProtectionMode Property | True if user-interface-only protection is turned on. |
RangeSelection Property | Returns a Range object that represents the selected cells on the worksheet in the specified window even if a graphic object is active or selected on the worksheet. |
RefersToRange Property | Returns the Range object referred to by a Name object. |
TemplatesPath Property | Returns the local path where templates are stored. |