What's New for Microsoft Excel 2000 Developers

See Also

The Microsoft Excel 2000 Visual Basic for Applications object model includes many changes that have been made to support new and improved features in Excel. To provide backward compatibility, replaced components have been hidden rather than removed. This means that they don't show up in the Object Browser by default, but old code that uses the hidden components will still work correctly without modification. When you write new code, however, you should use only the new objects, properties, and methods.

The major feature changes made to Visual Basic for Applications in Microsoft Excel 2000 are listed and described in the following table.

Feature Description
ADO Provides a direct database access interface. ADO is now the preferred data access method in Excel.
Component Object Model (COM) add-ins Provide a consistent user interface in which developers can create add-ins in any programming language that supports COM (Microsoft Visual C++, Visual J++, and Visual Basic, for example).
Digital signature Provides a way to determine whether the Visual Basic for Applications project of the workbook has been digitally signed.
Display unit labels Provides unit labels to make tick-mark labels on chart axes easier to read.
Microsoft Office E-mail Provides integrated e-mail capabilities.
Microsoft Office Web Components Provides a way to save spreadsheets, charts, and PivotTable reports as interactive Web pages. To learn how to use these components on user forms and in dialog boxes, see Using Microsoft Office Web Components on Forms.
Multilingual editing Provides improved multilingual user interface and editing features, and improved phonetic text handling for East Asian language support.
OLAP data sources for PivotTable and PivotChart reports Provide a means for viewing and analyzing data from Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) data sources.
PivotChart reports Provides an interface to PivotChart reports, which are based on data from PivotTable reports.
Save to the Web and Office Web Editing Provides Web page authoring, saving, and editing features. Also provides an interface for saving Microsoft Office Web Components.
Text file and Web Queries Provides new Web page query and text file importation enhancements.
Web page scripting Provides Web page scripting features for HTML-based client solutions.

For more information, refer to the following topics:

Hidden Objects

Hidden Properties and Methods

Language-Specific Properties, Methods, and Functions

Methods with New, Changed, or Deleted Arguments

New Events

New Methods (Alphabetic List)

New Methods (by Object)

New Objects

New Properties (Alphabetic List)

New Properties (by Object)