Arrange Method

         Example         Applies To

Arranges the windows on the screen.


expression.Arrange(ArrangeStyle, ActiveWorkbook, SyncHorizontal, SyncVertical)

expression   Required. An expression that returns a Windows object.

ArrangeStyle   Optional Variant. Can be one of the following XlArrangeStyle constants.

Constant Description
xlArrangeStyleTiled Windows are tiled (the default value).
xlArrangeStyleCascade Windows are cascaded.
xlArrangeStyleHorizontal Windows are arranged horizontally.
xlArrangeStyleVertical Windows are arranged vertically.

ActiveWorkbook   Optional Variant. True to arrange only the visible windows of the active workbook. False to arrange all windows. The default value is False.

SyncHorizontal   Optional Variant. Ignored if ActiveWorkbook is False or omitted. True to synchronize the windows of the active workbook when scrolling horizontally. False to not synchronize the windows. The default value is False.

SyncVertical   Optional Variant. Ignored if ActiveWorkbook is False or omitted. True to synchronize the windows of the active workbook when scrolling vertically. False to not synchronize the windows. The default value is False.