CopyPicture Method

See Also         Example         Applies To

Copies the selected object to the Clipboard as a picture.


expression.CopyPicture(Appearance, Format, Size)

expression   Required. An expression that returns an object in the Applies To list.

Appearance   Optional Variant. Specifies how the picture should be copied. Can be one of the following XlPictureAppearance constants: xlScreen or xlPrinter. If xlScreen is used, the picture is copied to resemble its display on the screen as closely as possible. If xlPrinter is used, the picture is copied as it will look when it’s printed. The default value is xlScreen.

Format   Optional Variant. The format of the picture. Can be one of the following XlCopyPictureFormat constants: xlPicture or xlBitmap. The default value is xlPicture.

Size   Optional Variant. Used only with Chart objects. The size of the copied picture when the object is a chart on a chart sheet (not embedded on a worksheet). Can be one of the following XlPictureAppearance constants: xlScreen or xlPrinter. If xlScreen is used, the picture is copied to match the size of its display on the screen as closely as possible. If xlPrinter is used, the picture is copied to match its printed size as closely as possible. The default value is xlPrinter.


If you copy a range, it must be made up of adjacent cells.