ErrorBar Method

See Also         Example         Applies To

Applies error bars to the series.


expression.ErrorBar(Direction, Include, Type, Amount, MinusValues)

expression   Required. An expression that returns a Series object.

Direction   Optional Variant. The error bar direction. Can be one of the following XlErrorBarDirection constants: xlX or xlY. xlX can only be used with scatter charts. The default value is xlY.

Include   Optional Variant. The error bar parts to include. Can be one of the following XlErrorBarInclude constants: xlErrorBarIncludePlusValues, xlErrorBarIncludeMinusValues, xlErrorBarIncludeNone, or xlErrorBarIncludeBoth. The default value is xlErrorBarIncludeBoth.

Type   Optional Variant. The error bar type. Can be one of the following XlErrorBarType constants: xlErrorBarTypeFixedValue, xlErrorBarTypePercent, xlErrorBarTypeStDev, xlErrorBarTypeStError, or xlErrorBarTypeCustom.

Amount   Optional Variant. The error amount. Used for only the positive error amount when Type is xlErrorBarTypeCustom.

MinusValues   Optional Variant. The negative error amount when Type is xlErrorBarTypeCustom.