LinkInfo Method

         Example         Applies To

Returns the link date and update status.


expression.LinkInfo(Name, LinkInfo, Type, EditionRef)

expression   Required. An expression that returns a Workbook object.

Name   Required String. The name of the link, as returned from the LinkSources method.

LinkInfo   Required Long. The type of information to be returned. Can be one of the following XlLinkInfo constants: xlUpdateState or xlEditionDate. xlEditionDate applies only to editions. For xlUpdateState, this method returns 1 if the link updates automatically, or it returns 2 if the link must be updated manually.

Type   Optional Variant. The type of link to return. Can be one of the following XlLinkInfoType constants: xlLinkInfoOLELinks (also handles DDE links), xlLinkInfoPublishers, or xlLinkInfoSubscribers.

EditionRef   Optional Variant. If the link is an edition, this argument specifies the edition reference as a string in R1C1 style. This argument is required if there's more than one publisher or subscriber with the same name in the workbook.