FormatConditions Collection Object

         Properties         Methods        

Range object
FormatConditions collection (FormatCondition object)
Borders collection (Border object)
Font object
Interior object

Represents the collection of conditional formats for a single range. The FormatConditions collection can contain up to three conditional formats. Each format is represented by a FormatCondition object.

Using the FormatConditions Collection

Use the FormatConditions property to return a FormatConditions object. Use the Add method to create a new conditional format, and use the Modify method to change an existing conditional format.

The following example adds a conditional format to cells E1:E10.

With Worksheets(1).Range("e1:e10").FormatConditions _
        .Add(xlCellValue, xlGreater, "=$a$1")
    With .Borders
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .Weight = xlThin
        .ColorIndex = 6
    End With
    With .Font
        .Bold = True
        .ColorIndex = 3
    End With
End With


If you try to create more than three conditional formats for a single range, the Add method fails. If a range has three formats, you can use the Modify method to change one of the formats, or you can use the Delete method to delete a format and then use the Add method to create a new format.

For more information about conditional formats, see the FormatCondition object.