Returns the file format and/or type of the workbook. Read-only Long.
Can be one of the following XlFileFormat constants:
xlCSV xlCSVMac xlCSVMSDOS xlCSVWindows xlCurrentPlatformText xlDBF2 xlDBF3 xlDBF4 xlDIF xlExcel2 xlExcel2FarEast xlExcel3 xlExcel4 xlExcel4Workbook xlExcel5 xlExcel7 xlExcel9795 xlHTML xlIntlAddIn xlIntlMacro |
xlTemplate xlTextMac xlTextMSDOS xlTextPrinter xlTextWindows xlUnicodeText xlWJ2WD1 xlWK1 xlWK1ALL xlWK1FMT xlWK3 xlWK4 xlWK3FM3 xlWKS xlWorkbookNormal xlWorks2FarEast xlWQ1 xlWJ3 xlWJ3FJ3 |
Some of these constants may not be available to you, depending on the language support (U.S. English, for example) that you’ve selected or installed.