Item Property (Dialogs Collection)

         Example         Applies To

Returns a Dialog object that represents a single built-in dialog box. Read-only.



expression   Required. An expression that returns a Dialogs collection.

Index   Required Long. The built-in dialog box to return. Can be any one of the XlBuiltInDialog constants.


Using the Item property of the Dialogs collection and the Show method, you can display approximately 200 built-in dialog boxes. Each dialog box has a constant assigned to it; these constants all begin with "xlDialog."

For a table of the available constants and their corresponding argument lists, see Built-In Dialog Box Argument Lists.

The Item property of the Dialogs collection may fail if you try to show a dialog box in an incorrect context. For example, to display the Data Labels dialog box (using the Visual Basic expression Application.Dialogs(xlDialogDataLabel).Show), the active sheet must be a chart; otherwise, the property fails.