Position Property

         Example         Applies To

Returns or sets the position of the specified object, as shown in the following table. Read/write Long.

Object Position
DataLabel, DataLabels Position of the data label. Can be one of the following XlDataLabelPosition constants: xlLabelPositionAbove, xlLabelPositionBelow, xlLabelPositionBestFit, xlLabelPositionCenter, xlLabelPositionCustom, xlLabelPositionInsideBase, xlLabelPositionInsideEnd, xlLabelPositionLeft, xlLabelPositionMixed, xlLabelPositionOutsideEnd, or xlLabelPositionRight.
Legend Position of the legend on the chart. Can be one of the following XlLegendPosition constants: xlLegendPositionBottom, xlLegendPositionCorner, xlLegendPositionLeft, xlLegendPositionRight, or xlLegendPositionTop.
PivotField, CubeFields Position of the field (first, second, third, and so on) among all the fields in its orientation (Rows, Columns, Pages, Data). For a CubeFields collection, this is the position of the hierarchy field on the PivotTable report when it’s dragged from the field well.
PivotItem Position of the item in its field, if the item is currently showing.