The Office 2000 Network Platform

Network Operating Systems and Clients Supported by Office 2000

Microsoft Office 2000 supports most widely available network operating systems and network clients for file and printing services. Microsoft Office 2000 has been tested with the following network servers and clients.

Microsoft network operating systems and clients

Microsoft Office 2000 supports the following Microsoft network servers and clients.

Supported network servers
Supported network clients


Novell network operating systems and clients

Microsoft Office 2000 supports the following Novell network servers and clients:

Supported network servers

Note   Novell NetWare 5 was released late in the Microsoft Office 2000 development cycle. Due to significant changes, such as supporting TCP/IP natively, this version was not tested for full support.

Supported Novell network clients
Supported Microsoft network clients


Banyan network operating systems and clients

Microsoft Office 2000 supports the following Banyan network servers and clients.

Supported network servers

Note   Banyan VINES version 6.x does not support long file names. Banyan VINES 7.x or later does support long file names. Also, Banyan requires upgrading to VINES version 8.5 for year 2000 support. For this reason, Microsoft Office 2000 testing was not performed on VINES version 7.x.

Supported network clients


UNIX NFS clients

Microsoft Office 2000 supports the following UNIX NFS clients:

Note   Microsoft Office 2000 testing is performed for Sun Microsystems Solaris 2.4 NFS services and Microsoft NT Services for NFS. Record locking in shared Microsoft Access database files (MDB) is not supported. Use of drive aliases is required for NFS client support.


IBM network operating systems and clients

Microsoft Office 2000 supports the following IBM network servers and clients.

Supported network servers
Supported network clients


Digital network operating systems and clients

Microsoft Office 2000 supports the following Digital network servers and clients.

Supported network servers
Supported network clients

Note   Record locking in shared Microsoft Access database files (MDB) is not supported.


LANtastic peer-to-peer network operating systems

Microsoft Office 2000 supports the following Artisoft LANtastic peer-to-peer networking software:

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Friday, March 5, 1999
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