Advanced Administration of Office Server Extensions

Customizing AutoNavigation View

On the Microsoft Office Server Extensions (OSE) Start Page, users click Browse Web Folders to view the folder and file contents of the OSE-extended web. The Folder.asp file generates the view called AutoNavigation view. Folder.asp is located in the Msoffice virtual directory on the OSE-extended web. By default, the physical folder of the Msoffice virtual directory is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Scripts\1033.

You can use HTML code to modify the Folder.asp file and to customize AutoNavigation view for your users. To customize the view, you can add sounds, pictures (such as logos), and any other HTML element you want.

You can also use Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) to modify the AutoNavigation object. However, before you can modify the object, you must create it by using the Folder.asp file as a starting place or template. To create the object, type the following line in the Folder.asp file:

Set OfficeWebFolder= CreateObject("OfficeWebServer.WebFolderItems.1")

After you create the object, you can use the following methods and properties to modify the object.

Method Parameters Description
Init Server, Request Setup
Item An Index (long) Returns item #X in an array of IOfficeWebFolderItem objects
Property Property type Description
ActiveItem IofficeWebFolderItem Returns an IofficeWebFolder item representing the current folder.
ActiveURL String Returns or sets the URL of the folder being viewed.
Count Long Returns the number of files in the active directory.
CurrentPageURL String Returns the URL of the page being viewed.
Filter String Sets a filter for files to display; can use the asterisk (*) and question mark (?) characters. Defaults are HTML, HTM, MHTML, SHTML, TXT, DOC, XLS, PPT, and MDB files.
ShowFolders Boolean Determines whether folders are displayed; default is True.
ShowFiles Boolean Determines whether files are displayed; default is True.
ShowHidden Boolean Determines whether hidden files are displayed; default is False.
SortBy Property* Sorts results by the passed property; default is Name.
SortAscending Boolean Sets sorting order for display; default is True.

Within the OfficeWebFolder object, you can gain access to OfficeWebFolderItem objects by using the following method.

Method Parameters Description
Value Property Returns the value of the property for the current item.

Valid properties for the SortBy and Value methods are Name, Size, DateCreated, DateLastWritten, DateLastAccessed, Icon, URL, ParentName, ParentURL, and isdirectory.

The following code demonstrates the syntax to use with the AutoNavigation view object model:

OfficeWebFolder.Init Server, Request
    OfficeWebFolder.ActiveURL = "/mydocs/temp"
    OfficeWebFolder.SortBy = "Size"
    First_Name = OfficeWebFolder.Item(1).Value("Name")
    First_Size = OfficeWebFolder.Item(1).Value("Size")

You can gain access to the properties of an OfficeWebFolder.Item directly with the following code:

sItemName = OfficeWebFolder.Item(1).Name

You can also gain access to the properties indirectly:

sItemName = OfficeWebFolder.Item(1).Value("Name")

Consider using the AutoNavigation object model to do the following:

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Friday, March 5, 1999
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