Protecting Excel and Word Documents

Protecting Excel Workbooks

Microsoft Excel supports three levels of workbook file protection. The user who creates a workbook has read/write permission to a workbook and controls the protection level. The three levels of workbook protection are:

Excel encrypts password-protected workbooks by using the symmetric encryption routine known as 40-bit RC4. Because protected workbooks are encrypted, they are not indexed by Find Fast or by the Microsoft Office Server Extensions (OSE) search feature.

Note   Strong encryption such as RC4 is banned in France. If a user’s locale setting in Regional Settings in Control Panel is set to French (Standard), that user is not able to open an Office document that is password protected. Nor can the user save an Office document with RC4 encryption. The user can, however, use XOR encryption by saving an Office document with password protection.

In addition to protecting an entire workbook, you can also protect specific elements from unauthorized changes. This method is not as secure as using a password to protect the entire workbook because Excel does not use encryption when you protect only specific elements.

For example, cells that are hidden on a protected worksheet can be viewed if a user copies across a range on the protected worksheet that includes the hidden cells, opens a new workbook, pastes, and then uses the Unhide command to display the cells.

Tip   To ensure the strongest security on a workbook, use a password to protect the entire workbook.

The specific elements that you can protect in a workbook include the following:

Caution   If a user assigns password protection to a workbook and then forgets the password, you cannot open the workbook, gain access to its data in another workbook through links, remove protection from the workbook, or recover data from the workbook. Advise your users to keep a list of passwords and corresponding workbook, worksheet, and chart sheet names in a safe place.

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Friday, March 5, 1999
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